In today’s marketplace, nonprofit organizations have their pick of digital tools to implement and support their fundraising and marketing efforts. However, simply being available does not make a tool right for the job. Infact, most of these platforms do not fully provide what an organization needs, or they are built in a way that makes them too complex to use effectively. In a sector with limited budgets and watchful communities, nonprofits tend to opt for the least expensive digital tools rather than those which may be of most help to their work. Acquisition of such resources is most often considered an expenditure when it may be better viewed as an investment.
First and foremost, constituent data must be stored in a secure and purpose-built CRM database. The information therein will include, but not be limited to, names, contact information, gift records, preferences for how constituents wish to be addressed and reached, and detailed notes from fundraisers that provide further insight into an individual’s relationship with the organization. It is imperative that the internal stakeholders who rely on these platforms to accomplish their work are involved in the purchasing decision. Organizations are best off selecting a platform whose functionality does not go too far beyond the specific needs of its users. Meanwhile, senior leadership and board members left with the final decision will do well not to be fooled by the big names of the corporate world that are bringing their platforms into the nonprofit space. These systems tend to be over-built for the needs of the vast majority of nonprofit fundraising shops. A CRM is only as effective as the data within it is usable for outreach and engagement. The cheapest options will likely under-serve one’s needs while those built beyond an organization’s means will be too difficult to manage.
My philosophy for choosing a CRM also applies to acquiring other digital tools, especially an organization’s email marketing platform. These systems store considerable amounts of information on constituent contact preferences as well as their digital engagement activity. The capacity to build static emails is no longer sufficient. The digital communications platform you select must also provide the functionality to create and manage automated campaigns based on individual constituents’ activities. Maintaining a flow of outreach that is relevant in both its content and timing is essential to successful fundraising and engagement.
On its own, the right digital platform, regardless of its purpose, can make all the difference for a nonprofit’s ability to develop meaningful relationships with constituents. When these platforms are integrated—that is they communicate between one another—their value increases significantly. A CRM that can store subscription preferences and catalog email engagement is useful. A communications platform that can segment audiences based on giving patterns is powerful.
In all, the decision to acquire specific digital tools and systems should be based on an organization’s current needs and potential growth, not by what costs the least or is on trend at the moment. And when these technologies are brought into an organization, I would encourage staff to not be shy about providing feedback to your vendors on what works for you, and being vocal about what does not. The digital tools an organization uses should be as efficient as its operation, not a hindrance to its success. It is likely that the roadblocks an advancement shop faces are also shared by its peers.
Excerpt taken from my dissertation, Digital Engagement and Data Governance in Nonprofit Advancement: Principles for the Future State. See the other three principles of digital fundraising here.